Friday 4 May 2018

Angular 5 Development Company - End to end startup mvp solution

Angular5 Development

We have experienced team working on Angular5 which provides the web and mobile applications and front end in fast and reliable way. We have developed the several full functional applications. As a Angular5 Development Company, drafteq provides end-to-end solutions. Hire Angular5 developers from drafteq to save time & money.

Angular5 features

Default Ahead of time compilation

Now AOT supported by default when build the applicaton. The application load faster because there are already compiled files on server and those server files served when getting request. The AOT files are *.ngfactory.ts.

TypeScript 2.4 support
Angular 5 now supports TypeScript version 2.4. Previous versions of Angular have supported TypeScript 2.3
Some of the latest TypeScript features

  • Dynamic Import Expressions
  • String Enums
  • Improved inference for generics
  • Weak Type Detection

Progressive Web Applications
Angular-CLI has the ability to create applications with the mobile web apps such as push notifications, offline experience, application logo in start menu, service work support, etc. That looks like native-like user experience for the end user.

Build Optimizer
Angular-CLI will now apply the build optimizer by default. The Angular Build Optimizer making your bundles smaller using our semantic understanding of your Angular application. It remove the additional parts of your application that aren't needed and also remove Angular decorators from your application's runtime code which needed while compiling but not in runtime.

Angular Universal
Now you can share the state of the server side and client side versions of the applications. Angular Universal renders the application on the server side. It means it creat the HTML on server side and served while loading. If you view source the page it shows the HTML of the page. So now crawler craw the angular5 applications and it improve the SEO performance. The application load faster because HTML served from server.

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